Conscious Language

Conscious Language is the science of choosing our words to express what we desire to manifest in our lives. The language of our inner and out talk creates our reality, moment by moment. What we create is what we experience. Our language shapes our reality because the subconscious mind takes in every word, literally like a three year old. Once we become aware of our subtle thoughts, we become aware of what we are creating before it manifests.

In his book “Conscious Language”, Robert Stevens explains how we lost the power of our words and how we now can reclaim it back. He divides words into certain categories called domains. One example is the Domain of Limitation and No Choice, including words such as “I can’t,” “I need,” “I want,” and “it’s too hard.”
Every word is a choice that can either help us to grow or sabotage us. Sound overwhelming? Relax. You can change one word at a time. Conscious Language is also about speaking from your heart.

Through unconscious language, which many frequently experience in the daily chatter of inner and outer speech, individuals create limitations, co-dependencies, and so forth. Robert shares with us a way to change our thoughts, to adjust our beliefs, according to the reality we choose to experience for ourselves. When our thoughts and feelings are in alignment with our heart’s desire, we will be able to experience our chosen reality. When we are aware of our language, we can become masters at creating our desired reality.